wysall's latest news...

Social Committee Update

The inaugural Wysall curry night was a sell out success within a few days of advertising so, depending on feedback, may feature as a regular event on the Wysall social Callander - please let Liz (lizzsmith1@gmail.com) or Chris (frenchjc@hotmail.co.uk) know your thoughts.
There is one more film night before the summer break, at 7.30pm on 1st June in the Village Hall - please contact Karen on knoble4242@aol.comfor further details.
We are now winding down for summer but will be bouncing back in September with the ever popular annual Food and Artisan Fare on 8th September. If you are interested in having a stall please contact Chris as above, and if you would like to volunteer to help with the bar, gate, raffle, BBQ, kitchen or our stall, it’s Liz as above or on 07764436680. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, and your support is essential if we want to perpetuate the great social scene that Wysall is known for - so don’t be shy!

Mistletoe from Alison Avery

Mistletoe is not currently very common in this area. It is more common in the southwest of the Midlands. However, there are signs the abundance and distribution of mistletoe is changing. The last time any survey was done was in 1990 but a new survey is currently taking place by a student at Oxford, with support from the Tree Council. If you are interested in helping there is an app – MistleGO! where you can record your sightings, and you will find more information on:- www.treecouncil.org.uk/science-and-research/mistletoe-research

European Mistletoe is a parasite on some of our trees, notably apple, lime, poplar and hawthorn. It prefers to grow on trees in the open e.g. in gardens, parks, orchards and churchyards, rather than in woods. It is evergreen and grows in clumps near the crown of the trees, sprouting from the branches. It takes water and nutrients from the tree. If there is a lot of mistletoe on a tree it can damage the tree and needs managing. However, it is also a keystone species and plays an important role in supporting biodiversity.  Its berries are actually very poisonous but a number of bird species have developed immunity and for them it is an important food source – in particular for Mistle Thrushes and Blackcaps. It is these birds that spread the mistletoe from tree to tree. Mistletoe features in lots of myths and legends that go back many centuries and are found across many European countries, it is particularly associated with fertility and vitality.    




Dear Parish/Town Council Representatives,

I hope this email finds you well. As your Emergency Planning Officer, I am reaching out to inform you of some crucial updates regarding our community resilience efforts and support mechanisms for residents affected by flooding.

Firstly, I am pleased to announce that our budget for community resilience stores has been updated to £2000. This allocation is aimed at enhancing our preparedness and response capabilities in the face of various emergencies and disasters. With this increased budget, we have the opportunity to procure essential supplies and equipment that will better equip us to serve our community during times of need.

Secondly, I would like to bring to your attention the new guidance concerning the Flooded Garage Grant. Moving forward  Residents who have experienced flooding in their garages will now be eligible to claim £125 in support. This grant aims to alleviate some of the financial burdens incurred by affected residents and assist them in the restoration process. It is imperative that this information is disseminated widely within our community so that those in need can avail themselves of this assistance promptly.

Community Resilience - Rushcliffe Borough Council

I urge you to disseminate this information within your respective councils and communities, emphasising the importance of preparedness and the availability of support mechanisms for those impacted by emergencies. Collaboration and communication are key in ensuring the resilience of our community, and I am confident that together, we can effectively navigate any challenges that may arise.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification on these matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Your proactive involvement in our emergency planning efforts is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts in safeguarding the well-being of our community.

Thank you for your attention to these updates.

Best regards,


Chevalier Douglas

Emergency Planning Officer

Rushcliffe Borough Council


E: CDouglas@rushcliffe.gov.uk

M: 07974 843120

Wysall Social Committee

At the time of writing we are eagerly anticipating the annual village quiz, once again kindly hosted by Gareth (don’t mention football tickets) and once again oversubscribed! A huge shout out to Esther and her helpers as well, for producing the ploughman’s supper.

We are hoping to arrange a curry night in the village hall towards the end of April so watch out for further news on that.

The date of 8th of September has been set for the ever popular annual food fare, so please make a note in your diary and remember. It is never too early to volunteer to help - a great way to get to know people and maintain the village social life that Wysall is renowned for.

Members of the Social committee’s contact details can be found on the village websitehttps://www.wysall.com/village-hall-committee-members.html which has recently been revamped (thank you Stephen) and now includes a calendar of upcoming events.

Finally, but by no means least a big thank you to Ellie Thomson, Esther Cooke, and Debbie Smith for maintaining the planters  of flowers throughout the village and David Eckford  for looking after the flower beds at the front of the village hall.

A big thank you to Karen Noble for organising our Christmas shopping evening.

This has now been running for 2 years and has proved to be a very successful alternative to the daytime Christmas Market. People were very generous with donations to the raffle and as a result we were able to donate £275 to both the Countryside Enterprises at Six Acres (a community interest company owned and operated by people with disabilities) and to Keyworth and District Concern (which co-ordinates and assists local groups in looking after the needs of the elderly, disabled and those less fortunate within our Community).

As we recover from the excesses of Christmas and New Year we are starting to plan our 2024 calendar.
First up is Film Night on 3rd Feb with further showings on 2nd Mar, 6th April, and 4th May. All start at 7.30pm in the village hall. Tickets £2.50 with beer and wine available to buy or BYO. For more info contact Karen on knoble4242@aol.com or 07966 133840.
The ever popular annual village quiz returns on 23rd Mar at 7.30pm in the village hall when Gareth will again be testing our knowledge. Bring a team of 6 or join one on the night, but book early as we usually have a waiting list! Tickets are £15 and include a ploughman’s supper. They can be bought from Esther 07957755528 or Chris 07957167264.

Thank you

Thank you to all who bought a ticket for the raffle at the shoppingi evening. The proceeds were split between Countryside Enterprises at Six Acres which is a community interest company owned and operated by people with disabilities and Keyworth and District Concern which co-ordinates and assists local groups in looking after the needs of the elderly, disabled and those less fortunate within our Community.

Best Kept Village


We are delighted to announce that Wysall is the Winner of the Annual Trophy for The Best Kept Village in Nottinghamshire for 2018 in the 300-1,000 population category.

Thirty six villages originally entered the first round of the competition, organised by the Campaign to Protect Rural England and sponsored by Wilkinsons.  Sixteen villages were then selected for the second round which was divided into four sections depending on population size. 

Well done everyone for making such an effort and taking pride in Wysall!

Best Kept Village
Little Boutique Autumn Fashion Evening

Holy Trinity Church was the perfect setting for The Little Boutique's Autumn Fashion Show.  A full house enjoyed delicious canapés and a glass or two of fizz whilst watching local ladies modelling the latest collections with style!


Wysall Harvest Festival

harvest festival at holy trinity...

Our beautiful Church for Harvest Festival. Thank you for all your donations which will go to the Friary in West Bridgford. More images can be seen on the Church page.

tour of britain...

What a great event the Tour of Britain was! The village looked absolutely fantastic decorated with bikes and bunting;  the atmosphere and support for the race were amazing! A huge thank you to everyone for your efforts and enthusiasm.

Tour of Britain Crowd