News from Holy Trinity Wysall

News from Holy Trinity Wysall


Strawberry Fair   A heartfelt thank you to everyone who worked together to make the Strawberry Fair, a lovely day despite the weather!   The gazebo builders did a fantastic job in preparation for the deluge that was forecast and yes did it rain! The heavens opened at 1pm and Greythorne, our live band, raised our spirits with “ I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Has Come!”  They must have charmed the heavens with their music as we then had a two hour window of sunshine for everyone to enjoy themselves. Thank you to cake bakers, scone makers, tea makers, plant sellers, stall holders and everyone who bought raffle tickets and donated raffle prizes and helped in any way. Thank you especially to everyone who came and supported the day. The fantastic final total is just over £3000 which goes towards the upkeep of our beautiful church. The Strawberry Fair can only take place with the goodwill and help from so many people. We welcome any new volunteers and new ideas for next time and thank you once again for all your fantastic support this year.


Hazel Menzies We are very sad to learn of the recent death of Hazel Menzies. Hazel was a member of Holy Trinity for over 50 years, from the 1970’s when she came to Willoughby and subsequently during all the time she lived in Keyworth. For many of these years she was secretary to the PCC. She always had a genuine interest in the life of the church in Wysall and supported the five or six vicars who came and went throughout her time here. She maintained a strong connection with Wysall for as long as she was able, being a regular member of the Luncheon Club right up until the covid lockdowns. Failing health meant a move to Belvoir Vale but we were delighted to welcome her to a Coffee Morning earlier this year when the care home brought a small group along. We send our condolences to her family and give thanks for her long life.


Tedesca Concert Always popular, the Tedesca String Quartet will be with us again in September on Friday 13thSeptember. Lucky for some! Tickets from Julia, £25 adults, £5 children


Alpaca Tea. Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to postpone this event. We are very sorry to disappoint anyone who had it in the diary but we hope this will now take place next summer.


Thursday Coffee Club is on the first Thursday of the month in Wysall Village Hall. For £2.00 you can have coffee or tea and any selection of home-made cakes and cookies. All are welcome to drop in. Our special D-Day Anniversary event brought out some fabulous fashions from the 40’s and some really good cake recipes!


Dates for the diary

Thursday Coffee Club 1st August and 5th September in the Village Hall 10.30 – 12.00

Tedesca String Quartet Friday 13th September 7pm

Harvest Festival Sunday 15th September 11.00


Our regular services are at 11.00 on the first and third Sunday of the month.

Stephen is continuing a regular Sunday evening service on Zoom. For details of how to join please email him


Fund raising social group

A group of us meet regularly to organise events. If you would like to help or join in, please contact any of us

Anne 07813 283276   Brigid 07971061770   Charlotte 07956 620090    

                                                                          Jane 07773 247628       Julia 07710 992508   Carolyn  01509 889405